Nu kör vi!!! Den 25-26 juli går Sveriges enda ”all female fronted” rockfestival igen. Den här gången är det två dagar som gäller vilket innebär fler band, en camping på en öls avstånd och på Sveriges skönaste festivalområde. Vi släpper nu några ”Who cares”-biljetter till ett snuskigt lågt pris till er som vet att ni inte kommer att bli besvikna

27 juli 2024: En dag, en scen, 8 band och ett jäkla ös

Rock festivals

Only 10% of the bands have a woman in the front. The excuse is that there are too few bands.

Now, there's no excuse any longer

Lyssna på banden som spelade i år

Violence against women

Are you an organization that helps disadvantaged women and its commitment to preventing and would like to be our partner, please send a message this

About NoExcuse

NoExcuse is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to create a cultural event in which women play a prominent role in the male-dominated culture, and to support organizations that protect women as well as those who have a preventive role


Want your business or organization to be on here, please send an e-mail to


women frontfigurer


Only female band


Female band



Ratings and reviews

What others are saying about us

Interesting concept

random person onthe street

No one remembers a coward

Myself, when the organisation was founded

Latest news

About last night

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